Mission and Prayer 

Be joyful always; pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.  1 Thess. 5:18


At St. Michael’s we are pleased to be able to support the work of the Christian Church at home and in other parts of the world. From our weekly giving we also support a number of charities.  Representatives from these charities come to our services to tell us about their work. These currently include, Porchlight, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), Christian Aid, High Hopes, Wycliffe Bible Translators and Kondoa.


We have a link with the diocese of Kondoa, Tanzania, where we have helped them to build the new church of St. James the Apostle in the village of Chemba.

We are called by Jesus to go into Wilmington and make disciples. To reach out is to be in the community and to do God’s work. As part of this we also seek to strengthen our relationships with the many organisations in the village.

   Chemba Church

The Church of St James the Apostle, Chemba

More information about Kondoa and the work there can be found here.


Each year we support the work of Christian Aid by holding fund raising events and carrying out a door-to-door collection of houses in Wilmington. In 2019, we raised £1488, which will be used to support Christian Aid projects around the world such as health services in Sierra Leone

For more information about the work of Christian Aid and how the money will be used please see www.christianaid.org.uk


Porchlight strives for a fairer society where vulnerable people find stability, the most excluded are included, and where homelessness and poverty are things of the past. Their mission is to change things for the better by preventing people from becoming homeless through the provision of timely and personalised support services, providing housing, education, employability and personal development support to the most vulnerable and isolated people in our communities and challenging negative attitudes towards people who are homeless, living with mental ill health, or living in poverty.

For more information about the work of Porchlight please visit here.


CSW's team of specialist advocates work on over 20 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, to ensure that the right to freedom of religion or belief is upheld and protected. 

Our vision is a world free from religious persecution, where everyone can practise a religion or belief of their choice. 

You can find out more about CSW's valuable work here.


High Hopes shares the Good News of the Gospel with children in West Kent. They affirm, challenge and encourage children through the Christian faith. Their experienced team provides friendly and supportive Christian expertise to schools and enriches the mission of local churches.

For further information please see here.


Wycliffes's vision is for a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible.

Wycliffe's mission is to serve local partners worldwide as they bring God's word to their communities in the language which speaks to them best.

1.5 BILLION people are still waiting for the Bible in the language they know best. To find out how Wycliffe is working to change this statistic please visit here.


For several years we have supported Operation Christmas Child, run by Samaritans Purse, where we fill shoeboxes to send out to children all over the globe. To find out more about this fantastic outreach, and maybe take part at Christmas 2024, click here.
