Regular Activities

Here you will find information about the regular or weekly activities that take place at St Michaels.

For special or one off events please click here.

Coffee Pop-In

Everyone is welcome for drinks and refreshments, free of charge but donations are appreciated.

Coffee stop takes place every Tuesday morning, in the church, between 10:00 am and noon (apart from between Christmas & New Year).

We are equally pleased to receive new members to our team of hosts and cake bakers, either to serve on Tuesdays, to make cakes, or both.

For more information contact Alison Mountain in church on a Sunday, or email the Church Office.

See you soon!

Craft Group

Tuesday meetings normally run from the end of Coffee Stop at 12 noon until 2pm in the Parish Centre via the glass doors to the left hand side of the main church building.

For further information contact the church office or email Helen Winton

The Craft Group at St. Michael's have knitted and sent blankets to Uganda with the charity High Hopes for Children. The picture shows the excited new owners of the blankets!

Blanket for Uganda

Several of St. Michael's members help the charity High Hopes for Children and more can be read of its work at

House Groups

The Christian life cannot be lived in isolation as we all need encouragement if we are to keep following Jesus, so we have a responsibility to encourage each other. We need help to understand the Bible and apply its teaching to our lives and we need people to support us and pray for us.

We hope very much that our Sunday services will provide this kind of encouragement but recognise that this alone may not be sufficient. We would recommend that members join a home group to study the Bible and pray together and to share fellowship and pastoral care. These groups meet fortnightly either in the evening or daytime. 

Contact the church office for more information.

Scrabble & Chess

Scrabble and chess meetings take place each month in the Parish Centre from 1:45 pm. Tea, coffee and homemade cakes are served, and all are welcome. Please see the notices for the next date.

Church Working Parties

Church working groups meet to carry out all the general maintenance, cleaning and minor repairs that are required in the church, hall and churchyard. During the summer months the emphasis is on keeping the churchyard under control and extra help is particularly required then. 

If you can spend an hour or two helping at any one of these times, then it would be much appreciated. There will always be a job for you to help with whatever your skills and capabilities. 

Refreshments are always served. We look forward to welcoming you. 

Please contact Keith Simons for more information about when the next working party will be taking place.